Monday, June 8, 2009

Being Vegan Takes Guts


To stand up for animals you have to be vegan, and to be vegan you have to have guts. No tickets on yourself, no boasting about it, just a strong will. It’s not for the faint hearted. It isn’t a breeze.


By David Horton

So, why go this far? Perhaps because it’s the starting point to the changes all humans need to make - we’ve done horrible things to each other and even worse things to the animals, and in the process nearly wrecked the planet. Those who are making the strongest stand are vegans. They make such a fuss about animal slavery because it’s as ugly as any slavery gets. It reflects the nastiest side of human nature. We should all be ashamed.

Billions of beautiful innocent non-human animals are ruthlessly seized, imprisoned, have things sucked out of their bodies and then uncaringly and cruelly killed. This is no euthanasia! It’s simply money driven cold hard bastardry.

That inspires vegans to call for change. But we’re dealing with determined human beings, intent on eating meat and spending money. So even more, we need solid vegans, active ones, determined to see things get repaired.

Humans have two choices, either ignore animal issues or act to liberate animals. It’s probably the only choice we have left. If we work to liberate animals, then everything else is repairable. Repair has to start at home. It’s about individuals making choices to bring about social change. It has to start this way because we’d be mugs to think any responsible government would ever close the abattoirs! Short of a catastrophe forcing their hand, it isn’t going to happen that way. We need to prepare for voluntary change, to become turned on by vegan principles not put off by them. And then, when there are enough vegans, we’ll have some real ‘people power’. Meanwhile, in these ‘early days’, vegans need to be tough to keep up their plant-based food regime whilst building a new product market, educating and group pressurising. It will be the press for change that will make it happen.

But pressure! It can work both ways. When people want to know, we can tell them but If we talk unwanted we get the ‘fascist’ tag thrown at us. “Must? Who says? It’s a free world, I can eat meat and no one can stop me”. How do we talk about animal issues with friends who don’t want to know, or to the media who also don’t want to know? How can we stand up for animals when no one wants to hear? It’s difficult to resist the temptation of driving our friends mad because, being so frustrated with so few people who’ll listen to us, we’re tempted to talk ‘vegan’ to non-vegan friends. We hope we might convert them. But who is ever pushed into anything too early? Pressure! It’s likely we could already be a seriously irritating friend, even becoming an ex-friend.

It’s worth keeping our friends because they are our most precious resource. They keep us going when we get down. Love them at all costs, answer questions but resist the temptation to try to convert them. Unless they ask say little. Keep the ‘talking’ for speaking in public.

Vegans have an important story to tell. Best told well - about the criminal attack on animals … it being bad enough to consider risking almost anything to stand up for them. To tell the story we’d go to the ends of the earth, to show how vegan consciousness can be the most enlightening and exciting opportunity there is … with the bonus that it stops us buying crap food. And all this would be wonderful were it not for the silence forced on us by people who don’t get it. And we, as vegans, have neither the power nor the right to change their minds. Their minds might be quite fixed, at the present: to them we’re trying to be too ‘good’, like being superior, like being stand-offish by rejecting the traditions of our culture. To them it seems crazy, for instance, to ignore the fine cuisines of the world by taking on a plant-based-only diet. “This is NOT for me!!” they say. “I’d go mad with all that denying yourself things and getting a social reputation for trying to be different”. For them it’s a threat. So, up go the defences … and maybe a white lie thrown into the mix. They say things not to hurt our feelings. They admire vegans for what they stand for. “I wish I could do it myself. . . ” and beneath their breath “No way! Ugh! Never! Not for me!”.


That’s a long way from how vegans see things – they see the bubbling violence in people, the ugly food they eat, the things done to animals. It’s sometimes hard to eat with people or mix with them socially. No wonder vegans seem like a social pariahs. But there’s a point to my painting this picture – if this is the reality for vegans, it’s sad, but at least builds will power in us, essential when asking ourselves: “Am I strong enough to say “no’ when I’d rather say “yes”? … can I overcome taste pleasures and food addictions?” If the answer is ‘yes’ then vegans can turn to talking, reporting “yes, it’s possible” and “it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be”. But however convincing we are telling people this, no one can know till they try. Until they want to try and want to be convinced that a vegan lifestyle is liberating and can even make us happy. Veganism leads to being happy …“Happy, what right do I have to be happy while animals are still in cages …etc?” If becoming vegan doesn’t make us happy there’s good reason for it. Not because we resent missing out on all the goodies but because we can’t believe how slowly things are changing. Ever still, animal suffering gets worse and the planet dies and we humans continue to procrastinate. All the while vegans are wondering why people are so blind to the crime of exploiting animals. Why don’t they see animal slavery for what it is? Why do they sponsor the machines of murder, pollution and misinformation? If vegans get mad with people it isn’t because they have a death wish, for wanting to lose all their friends, it’s because of the drone mentality, and of course especially when they see it in their friends. So, how come we vegans know ‘it’ and they ignore it? Perhaps that’s slightly beside the point. Asking this question is usually a diversionary mental whinge that takes us nowhere. Our attention should be on how to talk. The trick is to make what we say come from the heart, so even kids can understand and adults find it embarrassing not to. To say whenever we buy anything from animal sources we support an attack on them. There’s not much more to impart. You can ask any three year old kid why we are hurting animals and, even if they don’t know the answer they’ll understand the question. It isn’t complicated. It’s just a sad indictment on those of us who are still caught up in the whole sorry mess of violence. And ego … spending so much energy trying to prop it up or saving face, in order to justify what we do. The average adult still argues that we DO need animal food for our health, even though they know this argument is so behind the times. These days we should all be aware of the mass of evidence to the contrary, about nutrition and the benefits of plant-based diets, about it being safe, healthy and energy giving. And for the details, anyone with a Net connection can find out about this is more detail, plus how to prepare food, what to buy, how to make things taste good, where the vitamins and minerals are, etc. all without having to read dozens of books. It’s all there at the click of a mouse.


At present we humans can’t plan for the future because we look at ourselves and see no hope for the world. The sorry mess of animal farming and our part in it (as consumers) mirrors the mess inside our own heads. We fear finding out. And if it isn’t a fear of illness then it’s this social outcast thing, this fear of losing friends - the isolation cell we think we’re going to have to live in, if vegan. And on top of this is the realisation that what is my most important issue is not even on our friends’ radar.

That is … unless we tell them all about it, which brings us back to the central problem here: while we are busting to tell all our friends about it, they for their part, are busting to stop us!

I’ve already mentioned reasons why not to talk to them about it, because whenever we do it comes out sounding judgemental of them, and that is like being aggressive. It makes them uncomfortable. So, for the sake of keeping the peace we might need NOT to lay it on our friends … and yet we reckon we’d go crazy inside, wanting to get things off our chest - our friends are the only people we can talk freely with … and then, naturally, why not try to convert them (telling ourselves how wonderful it would be for our friends to become vegan!). Our move to bring this subject up with mates puts them off side. They find us obsessed and we take umbrage and quarrel. Friends, who needs them? We find them dispensable.

Friends play an important part in defining the person we are, in helping us develop in our peer group. Nothing’s going to happen for us if we lose our friends. So, for these reasons I have to come to the reluctant conclusion that we shouldn’t try to convert friends, unless asked. Instead keep quiet about our vegan principles. Put our energy into speaking in public . . . however, that’s the rub. Access to the public is limited. Discussing the subject of animal rights is not welcomed anywhere, in the streets, in churches or in schools. Channels of communication with ‘the public’ are blocked for the same reason that our personal channels with friends are blocked. The media, mass or otherwise, is not open to animal rights issues. Nor are interviewers, journalists, educators, priests or doctors because they all eat animal foods themselves. So, you see the picture I’m painting here. Vegans have to put up with this HUGE frustration factor. Unable to speak. Effectively silenced. Is it any wonder that long term vegans are so angry and are also largely inactive.

Going vegan isn’t just a spiritual picnic, it’s a set of serious considerations, some of which I’ve mentioned above, and all of which can be imagined in the space of a millisecond, whenever anyone thinks about being vegan - it fills them with fear. Mercifully, vegans don’t feel that any longer and can move on to another stage, where animal-advocacy is possible. It is centred on one rule: eat vegan: save animals. Everything else follows from that. And everything else worth having comes from that too. Especially the self-confidence to both be and talk on vegan issues.

The liberation of animals is ultimately on the line here but our own freedom is too. To be an effective activist we each need to be free from a world bogged down in self denial, self harm and bad habits By becoming vegan we shift the emphasis away from the self to ‘the other’. We try to become a benign influence on the world, just by making a statement about the wrongness of animal slavery.

By standing up for animals we are ambassadors. That’s a great thing to be, but it can feel like such important work that we get too busy with our own projects, and find no time for others. We both receive and give little encouragement. So vegans have to get used to going it alone (and we can’t expect much appreciation from those we are trying to liberate, the cows and chickens) - our strength must come from within. It’s all we have to draw on, to withstand people’s derision and accept doing without so many things. And we need strength and imagination to re-educate our taste buds and develop a preference for clothing and footwear, toiletries and cosmetics that are cruelty-free. All this takes energy. So, what I’m saying here is that going vegan puts pressure on us. It’s like supporting two families at once. We load a lot of responsibilities on our own shoulders and that weighs heavily, especially if we are trying to repair our world, boycott nasty stuff, try to find replacements, educate others and do it all solo.

Perhaps the key to a vegan’s overall success is to get beyond wanting-to-be-something or about giving things up. Veganism isn’t really about becoming enlightened or about being proud of ourselves (*Will Tuttle, in his interview puts it this way, “ … it’s nothing to be proud of. It’s our natural human seeing, … seeing beings to be respected rather than commodities to be used and harmed for self-centred pleasure or profit). Certainly, we should be proud of being vegan but not boastfully so. Our main focus should be on making friends and keeping the peace, keeping friends even when they disagree with us, and most of all building support systems with fellow vegans who need as much support from us as we do from them. In their public lives vegans must defend animals and eventually win them their right to live in freedom. And if that is difficult we need to develop more than bravery, we need to have a vision of how the world will be - where animals are no longer prisoners and therefore no longer afraid to be near humans. We need a mixture of optimism and maybe just a little magic. Something special that helps us transcend ordinary fears in order to regard privation as a privilege.

And of course being an animal advocate is a great privilege, despite friends making it so tricky for us!

It is a fact that even the most vocal organisations are aware of this potential for losing their support base by speaking too boldly. Even in the public forum today, whenever animal matters are raised, we only hear about the worst abuses of animals - factory farming or vivisection. We rarely dig deeper into the fundamental attitudes that need changing and the need for day-to-day boycotting of animal products. In our transition towards veganism we still go for a piecemeal approach which prevents us making brave statements about cruelty-free products and a world without abattoirs. And it’s because we incline towards the acceptable that we don’t spell out the urgent need for a complete uprooting of animal usage. Until we set this down as the basis for all our arguments, until we think abolitionist and talk it too, we won’t really get anywhere. And whatever we do achieve will be weakened because of that.

Friday, March 20, 2009



Everyone on earth should watch this documentary...

http://www. viddler. com/​explore/​theVashonWay/​videos/​66/​

everytime I watch this movie it reminds me why I'm VEGAN!!
It makes me wonder how can this happen...
it makes me hate the people who do this...
it makes me not want to even be friends anymore with people who eat meat, especially if they know about this and still buy and eat meat...
I dare all you meat eaters to watch this...and if you are hunters and don't care, you should imagine this was being done to your pets, your dogs or cats...
and if you still don't care, then there is something wrong with you, cause it isn't right, it isn't necessary, and its WRONG
might doesn't make right


Wednesday, March 11, 2009



Every thirty seconds, vivisectors kill another thousand animals. Think of the animal you love most dearly. If he or she is close to you, reach out and touch him or her...

Now, imagine your pet dog, cat or rabbit strapped - alive and alert - to the vivisector's laboratory bench. Imagine the vivisector approaching with scalpel raised. Imagine a tube implanted into your pet's brain and a scientist deliberately injecting an irritating chemical down the tube directly into your pet's brain. Imagine the scientist sitting back and waiting to see what happens. Within a minute or two your pet begins to shiver. The shivering is mild at first but it quickly becomes vigorous and widespread. Then your pet begins to cry; loud and pitiful cries. It begins breathing rapidly and salivating. Its ears twitch and its hair stands on end. It vomits, wets itself and empties its bowels. The white coated, cold-blooded scientist who is watching all this dispassionately​ observes your pet's distress and carefully writes everything down in his notebook.

Every 30 SECONDS, that is exactly what happens to 1,000 animals.

It could happen to YOUR beloved pet if the vivisectors get hold of him or her...

This is no fairytale.

It is real.
It happens every day.
In your name. With your money.
And with possibly someone else's pet.

One Voice


This documentary may quite literally

SHOCK you into the TRUTH...

Ultimately, I hope it will capture your Heart and

inspire you take action to help bring an end to

the horrific travasties that are taking

place at every moment of every day...

(click here)

http://video. google. com/videoplay?


Have a Heart... let's do OUR part.

Love & Light,

Christopher ;)

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Every thirty seconds, vivisectors kill another thousand animals. Think of the animal you love most dearly. If he or she is close to you, reach out and touch him or her...

Now, imagine your pet dog, cat or rabbit strapped - alive and alert - to the vivisector's laboratory bench. Imagine the vivisector approaching with scalpel raised. Imagine a tube implanted into your pet's brain and a scientist deliberately injecting an irritating chemical down the tube directly into your pet's brain. Imagine the scientist sitting back and waiting to see what happens. Within a minute or two your pet begins to shiver. The shivering is mild at first but it quickly becomes vigorous and widespread. Then your pet begins to cry; loud and pitiful cries. It begins breathing rapidly and salivating. Its ears twitch and its hair stands on end. It vomits, wets itself and empties its bowels. The white coated, cold-blooded scientist who is watching all this dispassionately​ observes your pet's distress and carefully writes everything down in his notebook.

Every 30 SECONDS, that is exactly what happens to 1,000 animals.

It could happen to YOUR beloved pet if the vivisectors get hold of him or her...

This is no fairytale.

It is real.
It happens every day.
In your name. With your money.
And with possibly someone else's pet.

One Voice


This documentary may quite literally

SHOCK you into the TRUTH...

Ultimately, I hope it will capture your Heart and

inspire you take action to help bring an end to

the horrific travasties that are taking

place at every moment of every day...

(click here)

http://video. google. com/videoplay?


Have a Heart... let's do OUR part.

Reposted by





Claudette Vaughan speaks to the author, Vegan Chef Beverly Lynn Bennett, about this surprising find in the competitive market for good knowledgeable vegan books..

Abolitionist: The Idiot’s Guide to Vegan Living is full of interesting, fascinating, knowledgeable facts and it’s packed full of professional advice about how to get going becoming a vegan - The reason I didn’t pick it up earlier was because it’s called ‘The Idiot’s Guide’ - Have others mentioned this to you, Bev?

Beverly: A few people were thrown by the title at first, but when they started thumbing through the book they began to get what it was all about - For those that may not already be aware of it, the book is part of the self-help/self-education line of books known as the ‘Complete Idiot’s Guide’ series, similar to the other popular ‘For Dummies’ series - In fact, our book on vegan living is the first book on an exclusively vegan topic to be featured by either of these series of books, which is encouraging

Abolitionist: As a unique and individualistic vegan chef, how do you bring vegan ethics into your everyday life?

Beverly: I try to live my life as true to my vegan convictions as possible on a daily basis, encompassing the foods I eat, the products I use, the clothing I wear, the groups and businesses I support, and the choices that I make - In my professional as well as my everyday life, I am committed to sharing with others how nutritious, delicious, and rewarding eating vegan (and being compassionate) can be

Abolitionist: The conviction of veganism to animal rights ideology is ethics into action - Why and how did you become a vegan, Bev?..

Beverly: As a teenager, I was first drawn to being a vegetarian for health reasons, as I was overweight and often struggled with my weight while growing up - My husband and I both went vegan in our early 20s after learning about the atrocities involved in the meat, egg, dairy, and other animal-exploitative industries, as well as the negative environmental and health impact that they had - It was the single best decision we ever made

Abolitionist: What’s the key to healthy veganism and what are some of the dietary mistakes that new vegans are too apt to make?

Beverly: The key to good health for everyone (not just vegans) is to eat a plant-based diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which is low in fat and high in fiber, vitamins, and phytochemicals - Also, limit consumption of highly processed and refined foods, which means doing more cooking and baking for yourself

Consuming highly processed foods, because they are convenient, is a trap many people fall into when transitioning into a vegan diet - These foods are fine when you first start changing your diet, to help to replace animal-based foods that you may be used to, but they are often high in fat, sodium, calories, and preservatives, and lacking in vitamins, minerals, and fiber - But if you learn to prepare your own homemade burgers from legumes (including soy) and whole grains, or make baked potatoes or other root vegetables instead of their deep-fried counterparts, or healthy pizzas, burritos, or other favorite take-out-style food options, then you can control the ingredients that goes into them and you can still enjoy them freely - Many unhealthy foods like chips, candies, and sweets may just so happen to be vegan, but you shouldn’t base your daily diet on them - These types of items should be only consumed occasionally, if ever

Abolitionist: How do you inform people on B12 as a vegan?..

Beverly: I usually start by informing people that B-12 is produced from bacteria in nature - It is found in healthy soil and clings to plants that are grown organically - So at one time, all of our B-12 needs were met by eating plant-based foods that had a little dirt residue still clinging to them - B-12 bacteria would also grow between our teeth and eventually work its way into the liver where it was processed and absorbed - Oral hygiene and thorough washing of produce has done away with fulfilling our needs this way - It is a common misconception that B-12 comes from only eating animal-based foods - In fact, B-12 is produce in our intestines as well as the intestines of the animals that are eaten for food - It’s during the slaughtering process that the intestinal B-12 comes into contact with the animal flesh, which is a really gross, unappetizing, and needless way to get sources of B-12 - Our bodies can store B-12 in our livers for up to three years, and we only need 2 micrograms a day, so it is much easier to get it by taking a supplement once a week - It is can also be achieved by consuming foods that are fortified with vegan sources of B-12, such as nutritional yeast, grains, cereals, fruit juices, soymilk, and other soy-based products

Abolitionist: Choosing broccoli over beef in a food culture that boasts of heart disease, diabetes and obesity shouldn’t be as hard as what it is

They say that Americans are more drawn to veganism for health reasons than animal rights reasons - Has this been your experience?

Beverly: There are more and more reasons popping up that draw people into the vegan lifestyle, but health and animal compassion issues are definitely the biggest draws - I find that more people of the older generations are transitioning into a vegan diet as a result of health concerns, but more young people are going vegan out of the awareness of animal suffering and abuse, and then health issues secondly, like fighting off chronic diseases and obesity

Abolitionist: Do you encourage fearlessness in your vegan cooking, Bev?

Beverley: I definitely try to encourage people to go vegan at whatever pace seems comfortable to them, either by taking slow steps and swapping out ingredients, or in one fell swoop by cleaning out their cabinets and jumping right into being vegan - Whether it be by just starting to make simple substitutions from beef to beans, from swapping dairy and eggs with soy, rice, and grain-based beverages and ‘cheese,’ and from junk foods and pre-packaged meals with salads and home cooked meals - This is one of the reasons that I freely offer recipes on my website - I want to encourage people, and show them that being vegan isnxt weird or intimidating, and that it is a delicious way to eat and does not include deprivation in any way

Abolitionist: Vegan stables such as grains and vegetables are the most nourishing and least expensive foods available yet they are rarely on the menu in school canteens, soup kitchens, political rallies or political picnics - Have you ever given any thought to why this is so? ..

Beverley: Large corporations and money are mostly to blame - The meat and dairy industries are huge and wield a lot power and influence, and at the expense of the public’s health and good nutrition - I just finished reading ‘The China Study’ by T Colin Campbell and Thomas Campbell, it is truly an amazing and informative book, and I had my eyes opened wider to many such disturbing facts and underhanded goings on, and I highly recommend it for everyone’s reading - It is very sad and infuriating at the same time when one begins to learn about what is going on in the animal-agricultural businesses and the control they have on so many levels of our lives - As you alluded to, if one really analyzes the food costs of fruits, veggies, and grains, especially if purchased in bulk or loose instead of as pre-packaged items, they are actually cheaper (and healthier) by the pound than most meats, dairy, and animal-based products - Even if they weren’t cheaper, it would be worth paying a little more now for healthy food options rather than paying for bad food choices later in the form of increased medical costs for surgeries, treatments, and medications

Abolitionist: Can you provide us with your special 10 key pointers on becoming a successful vegan advocate please..

Beverly’s 10 Pointers on Successful Veganism..

1) Have no fear, and freely embrace the vegan lifestyle in all ways, because humans are really meant to be vegan

2) Know that the animals appreciate your efforts even if those around you seem to oppose them..

3) Be a positive example, eat right, and try to live right according to your convictions..

4) Don’t be afraid of conflicts, and stand strong behind your beliefs..

5) Read as much as you can and educate yourself on animal issues and proper health and nutrition, as it comes in handy during debates and conflicts..

6) Try to share information with others as tactfully as possible - When asked why you’re vegan or what you eat, share reasons that fit the situation, don’t just try to shock them - They may feel helpless in changing, so it is better to be encouraging than blaming

7) Share your meals and foods with others - It opens up eyes as well as debate, and a slice of delicious vegan chocolate cake can be a great way to sway minds and opinions

8) Join veg groups or animal groups, and become involved in causes that you believe in - You will feel better and empowered by the experience, and it is a great way to meet like-minded people

9) Become a volunteer at an animal shelter or farm sanctuary - Organizations like these are always in need of extra help, and you can give much needed and deserved love to animals that have been abused or abandoned - You can also provide financial support in terms of donations if you don’t have the extra time, or better yet become their companion by opening up your home and heart by rescuing an animal from a shelter

10) Put your compassion into action by writing letters to companies and government officials and expressing your concern about animal issues and abuses, or participate in tabling events to share literature and information with others - If you are truly motivated, join in protest events with other like-minded people to further voice your concerns

Abolitionist: How do you foresee the vegan movement really taking off ?

Beverley: I think the vegan movement is really gaining support and momentum and will continue to do so - The tide is turning and it is about time - More veg restaurants and business are opening up every day - Consuming animal-based foods is declining and will continue to do so as increasing numbers of people educate themselves about the many issues that intersect and underlie veganism - Rising numbers of sufferers of chronic diseases and health concerns will also increase the numbers of people who are eating vegan, as more people search out more means of preventive medicine and ways to take control of and improve their health themselves

Abolitionist: How do you advise young vegans to cope with all changes occurring including tension from Mum and Dad, in their transition to veganism? It’s a testy subject but it’s one we need to approach and that is food disorders - Many people who suffer from anorexia nervosa have been living on a lettuce leaf for years before they die a horrible death - It’s not fair to blame it on vegan foods but some people have huge misgivings about vegan food - Can you tell your views and any other food disorders that veganism often gets bad publicity for please? ..

Beverly: Actually, I am currently working on a cookbook geared toward young vegans, and I am passionate about sharing with young people the benefits of eating a vegan diet for health, especially combating obesity, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses - I believe that everyone, young and old alike, needs better information on how to eat properly and what actually constitutes a well balanced diet - It’s sadly ironic that those that have the most misgivings about the certifiably healthiest way for our species to eat (i e vegan) seem to ignore the obvious flaws in the high-fat, low-fiber diets that are killing us by the millions every year - Most people don’t eat enough fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and they are really all that is necessary to be well fed and to meet our nutritional needs

That, in my opinion, is the biggest food disorder that faces our species - It is really sad that the only sources of fruits some people consume are artificially sweetened and colored fruit juices, and the only veggies are potato chips and fries - I advise people to consume plant foods in a rainbow of colors and textures to really fulfill all of their nutritional needs, and to seek out good sources of carbohydrates like whole grains and veggies, which are better sources of low-fat, less-acidic protein, higher in fiber (which helps to control appetite and cut calories w
ithout trying to starve oneself), and to not consume highly processed and refined pre-packaged foods made with white flours and sugars, and which are high in sodium and fat

http://www. abolitionist-online. com/_06bennett. html

Also a great cook book and by BY COLLEEN PATRICK-GOUDREAU

Joy of Vegan Baking

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

HELP! I need this house!!! any ideas???

Ok, so I found this perfect house, its right up the road from my parents, and its a white cape cod, with green was built in 1952 and the original owners have been the only ones that have lived in it...
I went and looked at it today and met the owner, she knew my grandmother who also had lived very close to her for years and years. The house has knotty pine panelling in the living room and kitchen, very retro though ( I LOVE RETRO), the bathrooms and kitchen are original the way they owners chose it all to be, she said that they spent hours choosing the right light fixtures to match the new england/williamsburg's so cozy and homey, but the perfect size for me and my 6 kids, it would be a great new fresh start....
it has a little sunroom, and a patio, little fenced in backyard with pine trees for the kids to climb and play under, it has 2 stairways to the big unfinished but really nice waterproofed basement, there is a pingpong table and a pooltable (old and dilapidated though) and the owner said that in the 50's and 60's her kids always had friends over there to hang out, it was the youth center in town before the actual youth center was built :)My kids could ride their toys down there the big kids could have a band down there!
I love histroy, i love retro, i love the little black and white tiled bathrooms with old sinks and tile walls, i love all the big closets, there are 2 bedrooms downstairs one for me, one for Libby, then there is an eat in kitchen with a built in kitchen table....a huge massively big (for me anyway) living room with a fireplace and knotty pine walls on one side. laundry room off the kitchen.
then, upstairs there is a big bedroom that has 2 closets and a back door leading to a veranda on top of the sunroom, perfect for Sky, my 16 year old, he can go out there and play guitar on the veranda at night, then the other bedroom up stairs is huge, perfect for 2 bunkbeds with room to spare, lots of room for dressers, toys shelves, and a little hidden room that used to be used for the original owners kids playroom, it has a little window and 40's style flooring with nursery rhymes on it. also there are no dormer windows on the front, but the front has this storage area that spans the entire width of the house, perfect for toys, seasonal storage of clothes, snowboards, whatever...the kids could have a hideout in there, it is lighted and you can stand up and walk in it, it has slanted walls though, because of the roof, it is a capecod...both upstairs bedrooms have door to that area. The upstairs bathroom is 9x12 about the size of my 4 year olds bedroom in our old house (my husbands house)so it is big and spacious perfect for 6 kids...2 big linen closets! :) I love it!
now, how do i get funding for this house? My credit is screwed, i have no job (but am going to school to be an RN) and also want to further my education to BSN and then ultimately midwifery, Nurse Practitioner, maybe Nurse anesthetist.
But how does a student single mom of 6 kids get a loan? I am trying to find a job as a CNA just have to take the state exam this month to get certified, just graduated from my class feb 24th.
I know I can pay the payments, but maybe the lady (owner) will accept 150k? then the payments would be really affordable, but who would give me a loan????
The owner is in her 80's living in an assisted living home, her grown children live away from here and are helping her to sell it, it needs some work to the front porch, the kitchen floor, the roof on the sunroof (floor of veranda) needs painting, but she said she will do all that. The owner said she would love someone in the house who appreciates it, she said she gets herself"all worked up" thinking about the new owners painting over the knotty pine wood panelling, I would NEVER do that, I love wood, I love earthy old fashioned things, the house would be PERFECT for me, the lady would love for me to own it, we have a lot in common, we love books, reading, we both have/had lots of childrens books....I could live there until I am in my 80s and beyond! :)
I know her children wont let her give the house away...but i need help, i dont know where to start....
I wish I knew of a way, of a way to get a loan, or funding...
anyone have any ideas?
the house is 2300 square feet, it is so perfect for me and the kids, there is a mudroom off the driveway for the kids to come into, there is the school bustop right in front of the house, my 11 year olds best friend lives right across the street, there are smaller children right next door for my youngest kids to play with, my parents live right around the corner, my kids elementary school is right down the road.
Anyone want to give me a loan? I am good for it, really, I can pay about 1000k a month....
i swear, i am good for it, i could walk to town from this house and save on gas, i am going to school to be able to fully support myself and my kids....
i am strong willed, determined and focussed, i am loving and honest, and kind...
i really want this house, right now I am living in my parents house, which is fine for and 4 kids in one room in the basement on a sofa bed and air mattresses, and my 2 oldest kids are in my parents guest bedrooms upstairs...they said they will help with everyday expenses, but they are not rich, my dad is retired from the government, they live on a fixed income.
ok...well if anyone of my friends has any creative ideas or knows of someone who can give me a 150k loan, let me know...
Sara :)

truly important message


You, beloved warriors of truth, have experienced many lifetimes of preparation for this present incarnation upon earth. You are those who have travailed many a dark night to become the antecedent of great change.

Yes, you have experienced turmoil and strife and we wish to allay your fears by saying that this is only temporary. For surely you have released many years and lifetimes of outworn belief structures and experiences of limitation.

These energies can no longer serve you here, for you are here to make a difference on the planet by way of your internal essence...your light, your galactic DNA calls forth a special helix of genetics to allow you to witness the changes in yourself and all others who join you on the adventure into oneness.

Do you know what this means for you?

We will remind you, for surely you already know deeply why you are here.

You are those who have come to teach the planet of the ways of the light by your example. The way of truth, the way of sovereignty, abundance and freedom for all people.

You have come to realize your full potential as an accelerator of awakening and you are those who will know the rewards of this journey well. You are engaging in the work of spirit each day, each hour, each minute that you open yourself to experience the full splendor of life, the whole gamut of human emotion.

You are becoming the full expanded version of your authentic God-self that you alone came to initiate, to implement and to explore. As you do, as you wander through the corridors of faith and truth, you must also hold steadfast to the truth that you are free.

Now, and as you integrate your divine blueprint more fully, you will come to know that the darkness that you once experienced is expunged from your consciousness. No longer is this darkness necessary for you to live a fulfilled life of spiritual value, for all who partake in the journey to truth are released from discord.

This is the final hour, you are witnessing history in your world and in this, in this journey, you are all connected. This means that as you release yourself from the bondage that claims you, you also release the world from oppression and control.

You have experienced waves of darkness as transmitters of divine frequency, for you are the anchors of light that lift the darkness through your physical vessels to transmute the energies for the whole.

This role that you have chosen is of the most revered, for you have made the commitment, the choice, to resurrect the human condition through your very own experience. You have reclaimed the god-given birthright of choice for all through this very choice of your own.

As a divine transmitter, it is imperative that you detach fully from the negativity that erupts in your field and to stay fully conscious of the process while allowing for this energy to pass through you is of divine importance.

It is no longer that you are responsible for clearing the worlds' woes, for you have faired extraordinarily well... but in this final hour, the negative energies are bigger and stronger forcing you to detach completely from their source.

The collective energies are growing to a tipping point in consciousness, where soon those who have upcoming contracts to serve the light through expressions of pure joy are now stepping into those roles.

This means that all of those who have fulfilled said divine missions of service for the people and the planet will be offered dispensation. This release point will free up many light-workers to be, do and have their dreams fulfilled.

The first phase of ascension is drawing to a close, and that means many of you will be absolved of your selfless service to the one.

You are soon to return the one voice within, the glorious voice of your soul's essence. This voice has been with you all along, guiding you to your destiny.

As you release the final vestiges of personal discord, remember your worth, remember these words, and remember your power to choose. you too have the power within.

The days of darkness are numbered and rapidly the paradigm of illusion falls to reveal the truth. Remember yours.

Telepathic transmission thru Lauren C.
Gorgo at ThinkWithYourHeart. net

Reposted by

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

in distant times


The humans of the Earth will listen and hear the prophets' teachings, then finally, they will open their eyes to see and learn to understand one another, and each would know that when one person is beaten or injured with words, that the other perceives the pain.

It will be the time when, out of humanity, people become one, and understand that each is a smaller part of the neighbor, and only unity gives strength, and neither skin color, nor belief, rather, only commonality and effective truth regarding Creation and its laws and directives are of significance.

And in distant times it will be that only one single and valuable language will be spoken worldwide, and the people will finally become real humans.

And in distant times it will be that the Earth humans have conquered outer space and travel into the deep expanses of the universes, when they have constructed artificial stations outside the Earth's atmosphere, in which many people will reside, work and live.

And it would be in that distant time that the Earth human builds great cities in the seas and he will ordinarily move around in the depths of the water and nourish himself on all kinds of fruit from the sea.

And in distant times it will be that humans talk reasonably and respectfully with one another and they will accept the old messages of the true prophets because their thoughts and feelings will be open for one another, and the consciousness and the psyche will be balanced.

And in distant times it will be that the people will be many times older than they are in today's time in the year 1958, because their age will be hundreds of years.

And in distant times it will be that the people recognize the power of their consciousness and learn the things that the true prophets knew and which were kept hidden as a secret until now, so they will open one door after another and gain monstrous cognitions, knowledge and wisdom about the truth of Creation and its laws and directives, in order therewith to use and develop the powers of their consciousness.

And in distant times it will be that the people finally find their way out of their dark labyrinth and will find sublime life bubbling again like a clear spring.

And in distant times it will be that the people relearn and adopt the teachings of the spirit, the teachings of Creation and the extent of its directives and laws, and the teachings of life, and will be knowing, and parents will again raise their children and instruct them in the teachings of truth so that they understand life, dying, death, reincarnation and birth, as well as Earth and the heavens.

And in distant times it will be that the human will become greater in stature and more skillful, and the powers of his consciousness will encompass everything, and he also will possess everything that he wants to have.

And in distant times it will be that the man alone will no longer be the ruling power, because from then on the woman will steer the fate of the world and humanity as true mother of the Earth, because she will wield her scepter over the man and break his imperiousness, tyranny, power-lust and addiction to war, in order to end the times of ugly masculine barbarism, and nip in the bud man's devilish and murderous and high-handed acts, in order to finally allow peace on Earth.

And in distant times it will be that true love wakes in Earth humans and this will be shared with all, whereby the existence transmutes in an easy time, and long cherished dreams and wishes become reality, while the evolution of the consciousness grasps possession of all people, whereby enters the true end of barbarism.

And in distant times it will be that religious and sectarian belief will no longer be of validity, but rather only the pure truth of Creation and the extent of its laws, whereby the happy days of humankind begin, and the person will find people again, and recognize and honor them as equals.

And in distant times it will be, when the Fourth Millennium after Jmmanuel's (Christian) time reckoning comes, that the Earth and its humanity will have its creational order again, and there will be true love and unity, true freedom and harmony, as well as true worldwide peace.

And in distant times it will be that the people will hurry through the universe from one end to the other in great and powerful spaceships, and they will have no more boundaries.

And in distant times it will be that the forests, wetlands, meadows and fields bloom again, as also the deserts, which will be enlivened and planted, and in which many kinds of trees, bushes, grasses and flowers will reveal their glory, so the Earth will be a wonderful garden in which the human will respect and honor all that lives, creeps and flies.

And in distant times it will be that the human reconstructs and cleans everything that he destroyed or soiled because, from then on, he will honor and protect nature and life, as he will be knowing and wise and thereby think of the future of the planet and humanity, and bring respect and veneration to them all.

And in distant times it will be that every human goes in step with every other, and one no longer harms the other, and the people grant each other trust again to no longer be deceived, to have nothing more stolen, to no longer be robbed, and no longer be murdered.

And in distant times it will be that the Earth humans know everything about their own bodies and the bodies of all animals, as they will also will be knowledgeable about all the things of the world and life, as well as the creational-natural laws, whereby sickness and plagues will be healed before they can come into existence, because it will be that every human will be just as much his own knowing and capable healer as he will be for his fellow humans; collectively, the human will understand that he can only exist and live in the community, that one must help the other, that he must give and may not only take, and that he, as an individual, must see and understand himself to be as a custodian of the planet, humanity and human order.

And in distant times it will be that the Earth humans have learned to give and share in honesty and love - and that stinginess is every bit as much a means to achieve discontentment as is being closed off from the neighbor - thereby no circumstances of loneliness can come; still the human must learn everything first, and utilize the powers of his consciousness and the teachings of the spirit as well as the teachings of Creation and the extent of its laws, as well as the teachings of life, yet for this, an iron fist is required for enforcement, with which order drives out chaos, and the human finds the correct path again.

And in distant times it will be, when the Forth Millennium after Jmmanuel comes, that the human is the carrier of the Creational truth, and that all living things are creations of the one and only Creation, of the universal consciousness, and that Creation alone is, and knows, the secret of all things, and that it stands immeasurably much higher than all the gods and idols who, without exception, are of human origin.

And in distant times it will be that the humans remember the proverbs of the true prophets and remember what was once in all the past, as they will also know what the future will be, because, through looking out ahead, they will grasp the events and the course and the change of the world, humanity and the universes, as well as the secret of life and dying, and will thereby have no more angst for their own death, because they will know that life eternally continues in alternation with death-life, and to new life on Earth, as Creation has determined through the unshakable extent of its laws which are unchangeable for all great times and are of eternal validity.

Eduard A. Meier Schloss Uitikon/ZH/Schweiz 24.
August 1958

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"these animals are our dear friends"

Reposted with thanks by~
*♥♥*Garden of Vegan*♥♥ *
Nephesh ~ Abolition, Direct Action and Veganism

“These animals are our dear friends”
Posted by Gary L.
Francione in Blog


Dear Colleagues:

Earlier today, Anna and I went to Whole Foods. We detest shopping there but we have no choice; our local health food stores have largely disappeared in the wake of chains like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s. On Sundays, there is an outdoor market in the Whole Foods parking lot. Local vendors sell fruits, vegetables, baked goods—and animal flesh and products. One vendor had decorated her “organic meat” stall with pictures of her “free-range” chickens, pigs, and cows. We stopped to look at the pictures. I pointed out to her that there were no pictures of the slaughtering process.

“Oh, well we slaughter our chickens on the premises and our cows and pigs go to a slaughter facility that is only six miles away. They don’t stay overnight and we try to make it as stress free as possible.

Another shopper had appeared and said, “I feel so much better about buying my meat from farms like this.

The vendor remarked, “Oh, yes, these animals are our dear friends.

I responded, politely but seriously: “That’s an odd thing to say; I hope that you don’t treat your other ‘dear friends’ this way.

The vendor laughed. She thought I was joking.

“These animals are our dear friends.” Think about that. Think about what terrible confusion such a statement reveals.

This is where the happy meat/animal products movement is leading us.

This is where the PETA–KFC controlled-atmosphere killing campaign is taking us.

This is where efforts like Proposition 2 are taking us.

We are moving backward.

Go vegan.
It’s the baseline of the abolitionist movement and is nonviolence in action.

© 2008 Gary L.

Gary L. Francione

Playlist: Born to die

Playlists: Dying to Live

*In the end this is where they all go and its terrifying and painful for the animals no matter how "humane" they claim your meat and dairy is.

Visit The Humane Myth

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

57 health benefits of going VEGAN!

57 Health Benefits by going Vegan (www. myspace. com/45915653)

One Voice

57 Health Benefits
of going


By Alisa Miller

Vegans are frequently misunderstood as fringe eaters with an unnatural passion for animal rights. While many vegans do feel passionately about animals, its time for others to see that a vegan diet and lifestyle go way beyond animal rights. Following a healthy, balanced vegan diet ensures a host of health benefits as well as prevention of some of the major diseases striking people in North America. Find out from the list below how eating vegan can help you in your search for better health.


All of the following nutritional benefits come from a vegan diet full of foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, and soy products.

Reduced saturated fats
Dairy products and meats contain a large amount of
saturated fats.
By reducing the amount of saturated fats from your diet, you’ll improve your health tremendously, especially when it comes to cardiovascular health.

Carbohydrates provide energy for your body. When you don’t have enough carbohydrates, your body will burn muscle tissue.

A diet high in fiber (as vegan eating usually is) leads to healthier bowel movements. High fiber diets help fight against colon cancer.

Aiding in the absorption of calcium,
magnesium is an often overlooked vitamin in importance to a healthy diet. Nuts, seeds, and dark leafy greens are an excellent source of magnesium.

Potassium balances water and acidity in your body and stimulates the kidneys to eliminate toxins. Diets high in potassium have shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

This B vitamin is an important part of a healthy diet. Folate helps with cell repair, generating red and white blood cells, and metabolizing amino acids.

For protection against cell damage,
antioxidants are one of the best ways to help your body.
Many researchers also believe that antioxidants help
protect your body against forming some types of cancer.

Vitamin C
Besides boosting your immune system,
Vitamin C also helps keep your gums healthy and helps your bruises heal faster. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant.

Vitamin E
This powerful vitamin has benefits for your heart, skin, eyes, brain, and may even help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. A diet high in grains, nuts, and dark leafy greens is full of Vitamin E.

Plant-based foods provide
phytochemicals, which help to prevent and heal the body from cancer, boost protective enzymes, and work with antioxidants in the body.

That protein is good for your body is no surprise. It may be a surprise to learn that most Americans eat too much protein and in forms such as red meat that are not healthy ways of getting protein. Beans, nuts, peas, lentils, and soy products are all great ways to get the right amount of protein in a vegan diet.

Disease Prevention

Eating a healthy vegan diet has shown to prevent a number of diseases. Find out from the list below what you could potentially avoid just by switching to a healthy, balanced vegan way of eating.

Cardiovascular disease
Eating nuts and whole grains, while eliminating dairy products and meat, will improve your cardiovascular health.
A British study indicates that a vegan diet
reduces the risk for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Vegan diets go far in preventing heart attack and stroke.

Eliminating any food that comes from an animal and you will
eliminate all dietary cholesterol from your diet. Your heart will thank you for that.

Blood pressure
A diet rich in whole grains is
beneficial to your health in many ways, including lowering high blood pressure.

Type 2 diabetes
Not only is a vegan diet a weapon against Type 2 diabetes, it is also "easier to follow than the standard diet recommended by the American Diabetic Association.
" Read more about it

Prostate cancer
major study showed that men in the early stages of prostate cancer who switched to a vegan diet either stopped the progress of the cancer or may have even reversed the illness.

Colon cancer
Eating a diet consisting of whole grains, along with fresh fruits and vegetables, can greatly reduce your chances of colon cancer.

Breast cancer
Countries where women eat very little meat and animal products have a much
lower rate of breast cancer than do the women in countries that consume more animal products.

Macular degeneration
Diets with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens, carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes, can help prevent the onset of age-related macular degeneration.

Much the same way macular degeneration is headed off by a vegan diet, cataracts are also thought to be prevented through the intake of the same fruits and vegetables. Produce high in antioxidants are also believed to help prevent cataracts.

Eliminating dairy consumption has long been connected with alleviating arthritis symptoms, but a
new study indicates that a combination of gluten-free and vegan diet is very promising for improving the health of those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Bone health depends on a balance of neither too much or too little protein, adequate calcium intake, high potassium, and low sodium.
With a healthy vegan diet, all four of these points set a perfect scenario for
preventing osteoporosis.

Physical Benefits

In addition to good nutrition and disease prevention, eating vegan also provides many physical benefits. Find out how a vegan diet makes your body stronger, more energetic, and more attractive.

Body Mass Index
population studies show that a diet without meat leads to lower BMIs–usually an indicator of a healthy weight and lack of fat on the body.

Weight loss
A healthy weight loss is a typical result of a smart vegan diet. Eating vegan eliminates most of the unhealthy foods that tend to cause weight issues.
Read more about weight loss and a vegan diet

When following a healthy vegan diet, you will find your energy is much higher.
This blog post in
Happy Healthy Long Life describes how NFL tight-end Tony Gonzalez started eating vegan and gained energy–while playing football.

Healthy skin
The nuts and vitamins A and E from vegetables play a big role in healthy skin, so vegans will usually have good skin health. Many people who switch to a vegan diet will notice a remarkable reduction in blemishes as well.

Longer life
Several studies indicate that those following a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle live an average of three to six years longer than those who do not.

Body odor
Eliminating dairy and red meat from the diet significantly reduces body odor. Going vegan means smelling better.

Bad breath
Vegans frequently experience a reduction in bad breath. Imagine waking up in the morning and not having morning breath.

Many who follow vegan diets report that their hair becomes stronger, has more body, and looks healthier.

Healthy vegan diets are also responsible for much stronger, healthier nails. Nail health is said to be an indicator of overall health.

When switching to a vegan diet, many women tell how PMS symptoms become much less intense or disappear altogether. The elimination of dairy is thought to help with those suffering with PMS.

Migraine suffers who go on vegan diets frequently discover relief from their migraines.
Read more about the food-migraine connection
in this article.

Reduction in dairy, meat, and eggs is often tied to alleviation of allergy symptoms. Many vegans report much fewer runny noses and congestion problems.

Too Much in the American Diet

The typical American diet not only consists of too much food, it also relies on too much of unnecessary food products or toxins. The following list explains how a vegan diet can eliminate these problems.

Animal proteins
The average American eats twice as much protein as necessary for a healthy diet and much of that is from red meat.
Getting protein from
beans and grains is much healthier and reduces the risk for osteoporosis (see above).

Cow’s milk dairy
The human body is not designed to digest cow milk and cow milk dairy products, yet the idea of milk being healthy is pushed through advertising.
As many as
75% of people in the world may be lactose intolerant and many people suffer from undiagnosed milk allergies or sensitivities. By eliminating cow’s milk from your diet, you are improving your overall health.

Many nutritionists believe that the number of eggs in the American diet is too high. While sometimes disputed, it has been shown that eggs can raise cholesterol levels.

Most of the fish and shellfish consumed has
mercury in it. While some fish have less than others, it is almost impossible not to be putting mercury in your body when you eat fish.

Most people have heard that Americans consume way too much sugar. Relying on other sweeteners that are not synthetic, processed, or derived from animal products is a healthier way to eat. Many vegans do not eat processed sugar due to the fact that most of the cane sugar is refined through activated charcoal, most of which comes from animal bones.

Other Benefits

In addition to the health benefits above, following a vegan lifestyle and diet also provides these benefits as well. From helping the environment to avoiding serious bacterial infections, learn other benefits to eating the vegan way below.

Many people begin a vegan diet out of concern for animals. Whether opposed to the conditions of animals intended for food or eating animals in general, going vegan will help your conscience rest easily.

Growing plants takes much fewer resources than growing animals. By eating vegan, you can help reduce the toll on the environment.

42. E.
E. coli comes from eating contaminated red meat and is the leading cause of bloody diarrhea. Young children, those with compromised immune systems, and elderly people can become extremely ill or die from E. coli. Eating vegan means completely avoiding the risk of E. coli infection.

Another gastrointestinal illness from animal products, salmonella food poisoning is closely related to E. coli. The most frequent way people contract salmonella food poisoning is through contact with raw eggs or raw chicken meat from chickens infected with salmonella. Again, going vegan means eliminating this risk altogether.

Mad cow disease
It’s safe to say that most people would want to avoid contracting a fatal, non-treatable disease. One way to ensure you don’t get Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is by not eating animals infected with mad cow disease. While the incidence of mad cow disease is not reportedly so high in North America, it does exist.

Global food supply
Feeding grain to animals meant as food sources reduces the amount of food that is available to underdeveloped nations. Many people will go hungry while that same food they could be eating is given to animals raised for slaughter. Eating vegan ensures that you have removed yourself from the participation of this imbalance.

Hormone consumption
Eating animals that have been given hormones to speed growth (a common practice in the meat industry) means those hormones go into your body. Not only can this disrupt the natural balance of your hormones, but some of the hormones given to animals have shown to cause tumor growth in humans.

Antibiotics are frequently given to feed animals, which can lead to bacterial resistance. Many of the antibiotics used to treat human infections are also used in feed animals.

Healthy Eating

A vegan diet can be a much healthier way to eat. Find out how to combine the vegan diet with other ways of eating for an even more healthy way to go or discover ways to keep your vegan diet healthy but more convenient with the resources below.

A raw diet lends itself to veganism by the very nature of its design.
Find out how to combine live and vegan diets with
Raw Inspirations.

Eating organic and vegan is super easy to do.
Use some of the recipes from
this blog for help with meal ideas. The posts have slowed, but you can always search the archives for some great ideas on how to live and eat organic and vegan.

Vegan eating is typically pretty low in fats anyway, but the
FatFree Vegan Kitchen shows you how to make some delicious vegan food that is always fat free.

Due to allergies, Celiac’s Disease, or whatever your reason you avoid gluten, find out how to combine the best of gluten-free with vegan cooking in the
Gluten-Free Vegan blog.

Eating out
Eating out isn’t usually associated with eating healthy, but a vegan diet ensures there will be a lot less of the bad things in the food you choose.
Find eating out options around the world for vegans

Maintaining a vegan diet means you are likely to take your lunch more often than most people.
Vegan Lunch Box offers recipes, tools, and ideas for carrying great vegan lunches every day.

Coming up with new dinner ideas is challenging for everyone–regardless of what type of diet you follow.
Check out this amazing selection of vegan dinner recipes accompanied with mouth-watering photos of each preparation on
Dinner with Dilip.

While not all the recipes on
My Sweet Vegan are for dessert, you will find a large selection of sweet vegan recipes with the most delicious-looking photos.

Pairing vegan food with wine may be challenging for those who rely on the old standard of "white with fish and red with meat.
" Read
this article for ways to compliment your healthy vegan diet with a tasty glass of wine or this blog entry for specific pairings of wine and vegan food.

These ladies know how to kick it with vegan cooking.
Post Punk Kitchen offers some great recipes with a ton of fun infused in them. Be sure to go through the archives for more yummy food ideas.

Posted by: One Voice

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About Me

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vegan, mama, lover of music and kindness, lover of sunsets, trees, the ocean, nature in all its splendor, animals, lightbearer, empath