Monday, February 16, 2009

Please Don't Kill My Baby!! - The Cruelty of Dairy

*♥♥*Garden of Vegan*♥♥ *

Every Year, 9 Million Mothers Are Forced to Endure The Worst Loss

Please Don't Kill My Baby!...


All females used for milk are torn from their babies shortly after birth
Some try to fight off the attackers, some try to shield their babies with their own bodies, some chase frantically after the transport, some cry pitifully, some withrdaw in silent despair..

Some go trustingly with their keepers only to return to an empty stall..
They all beg for their babies in language that requires no translation:
They bellow, they cry, they moan.. Many continue to call for days and nights on end..

Some stop eating and drinking.. They search feverishly.. Many refuse to give up and will return to the empty spot again and again.. Some withdraw in silent grief..

They all remember to their last breath the face, the scent, the voice, the gait of every baby they carried for nine months, soundered to, birthed with difficulty, bathed, loved, and never got to know, nurture, protect, and watch live..

After repeated cycles of forced impregnations, painful births, relentless milkings, and crushing bereavements, their spirit gives, their bodies wither, their milk dries up.. At the age when, in nature, a female cow would barely enter adulthood, the life of a dairy cow is over.. When her milk “production” declines, she and her other “spent” herd mates are trucked off to slaughter -
Some are pregnant

All are still lactating As they are shoved towards death, they drip milk onto the killing floor-

All Dairy operations, including Organic, exist solely by doing to
millions of defenseless females the worst thing anyone can do to
a mother.. Dairy consumers support this inentional cruelty with
their purchases..

PDF Documents (VeganOutreach)

Please Don't Kill My Baby!...



Please Don't let them Kill Me!


Every year, millions of newborns are killed for their mothers’ milk

All babies born to females used for milk production are torn from their mothers shortly after birth. They are barely days old, umbilical chord still attached, coat still slick from the birth fluids, legs wobbly, eyes unfocused.. They are defenseless.. They are frightened.. They cry pitifully for their mothers..

They all beg for their mothers in language that requires no translation.. They live their entire short lives as orphans, their only experience of mother love, one of yearning for it, their only experience of emotional connection, one of absence.. Soon, the memory of the mother’s face, her voice, her scent will fade, but the painful, irrepressible longing for her warmth will still be there..

At four months old, the “veal” calves are corralled into trucks and hauled to slaughter.. As they are dragged onto the killing floor, they are still looking for their mothers, still desperately needing her nurturing presence, especially at that dark time when they are frightened and needing protection more than ever in the midst of the terrible sights, and sounds, and scents of death all around them, and, in their despair, in their want for a shred of consolation and protection, most try to suckle the fingers of their killers..

All dairy production, including Organic, is predicated on
ripping apart mother and child.. Dairy consumers perpetuate this
cruel practice with their purchases..

PDF Documents (VeganOutreach)

Please Don't let them Kill Me!...

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vegan, mama, lover of music and kindness, lover of sunsets, trees, the ocean, nature in all its splendor, animals, lightbearer, empath