Wednesday, March 11, 2009





Claudette Vaughan speaks to the author, Vegan Chef Beverly Lynn Bennett, about this surprising find in the competitive market for good knowledgeable vegan books..

Abolitionist: The Idiot’s Guide to Vegan Living is full of interesting, fascinating, knowledgeable facts and it’s packed full of professional advice about how to get going becoming a vegan - The reason I didn’t pick it up earlier was because it’s called ‘The Idiot’s Guide’ - Have others mentioned this to you, Bev?

Beverly: A few people were thrown by the title at first, but when they started thumbing through the book they began to get what it was all about - For those that may not already be aware of it, the book is part of the self-help/self-education line of books known as the ‘Complete Idiot’s Guide’ series, similar to the other popular ‘For Dummies’ series - In fact, our book on vegan living is the first book on an exclusively vegan topic to be featured by either of these series of books, which is encouraging

Abolitionist: As a unique and individualistic vegan chef, how do you bring vegan ethics into your everyday life?

Beverly: I try to live my life as true to my vegan convictions as possible on a daily basis, encompassing the foods I eat, the products I use, the clothing I wear, the groups and businesses I support, and the choices that I make - In my professional as well as my everyday life, I am committed to sharing with others how nutritious, delicious, and rewarding eating vegan (and being compassionate) can be

Abolitionist: The conviction of veganism to animal rights ideology is ethics into action - Why and how did you become a vegan, Bev?..

Beverly: As a teenager, I was first drawn to being a vegetarian for health reasons, as I was overweight and often struggled with my weight while growing up - My husband and I both went vegan in our early 20s after learning about the atrocities involved in the meat, egg, dairy, and other animal-exploitative industries, as well as the negative environmental and health impact that they had - It was the single best decision we ever made

Abolitionist: What’s the key to healthy veganism and what are some of the dietary mistakes that new vegans are too apt to make?

Beverly: The key to good health for everyone (not just vegans) is to eat a plant-based diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which is low in fat and high in fiber, vitamins, and phytochemicals - Also, limit consumption of highly processed and refined foods, which means doing more cooking and baking for yourself

Consuming highly processed foods, because they are convenient, is a trap many people fall into when transitioning into a vegan diet - These foods are fine when you first start changing your diet, to help to replace animal-based foods that you may be used to, but they are often high in fat, sodium, calories, and preservatives, and lacking in vitamins, minerals, and fiber - But if you learn to prepare your own homemade burgers from legumes (including soy) and whole grains, or make baked potatoes or other root vegetables instead of their deep-fried counterparts, or healthy pizzas, burritos, or other favorite take-out-style food options, then you can control the ingredients that goes into them and you can still enjoy them freely - Many unhealthy foods like chips, candies, and sweets may just so happen to be vegan, but you shouldn’t base your daily diet on them - These types of items should be only consumed occasionally, if ever

Abolitionist: How do you inform people on B12 as a vegan?..

Beverly: I usually start by informing people that B-12 is produced from bacteria in nature - It is found in healthy soil and clings to plants that are grown organically - So at one time, all of our B-12 needs were met by eating plant-based foods that had a little dirt residue still clinging to them - B-12 bacteria would also grow between our teeth and eventually work its way into the liver where it was processed and absorbed - Oral hygiene and thorough washing of produce has done away with fulfilling our needs this way - It is a common misconception that B-12 comes from only eating animal-based foods - In fact, B-12 is produce in our intestines as well as the intestines of the animals that are eaten for food - It’s during the slaughtering process that the intestinal B-12 comes into contact with the animal flesh, which is a really gross, unappetizing, and needless way to get sources of B-12 - Our bodies can store B-12 in our livers for up to three years, and we only need 2 micrograms a day, so it is much easier to get it by taking a supplement once a week - It is can also be achieved by consuming foods that are fortified with vegan sources of B-12, such as nutritional yeast, grains, cereals, fruit juices, soymilk, and other soy-based products

Abolitionist: Choosing broccoli over beef in a food culture that boasts of heart disease, diabetes and obesity shouldn’t be as hard as what it is

They say that Americans are more drawn to veganism for health reasons than animal rights reasons - Has this been your experience?

Beverly: There are more and more reasons popping up that draw people into the vegan lifestyle, but health and animal compassion issues are definitely the biggest draws - I find that more people of the older generations are transitioning into a vegan diet as a result of health concerns, but more young people are going vegan out of the awareness of animal suffering and abuse, and then health issues secondly, like fighting off chronic diseases and obesity

Abolitionist: Do you encourage fearlessness in your vegan cooking, Bev?

Beverley: I definitely try to encourage people to go vegan at whatever pace seems comfortable to them, either by taking slow steps and swapping out ingredients, or in one fell swoop by cleaning out their cabinets and jumping right into being vegan - Whether it be by just starting to make simple substitutions from beef to beans, from swapping dairy and eggs with soy, rice, and grain-based beverages and ‘cheese,’ and from junk foods and pre-packaged meals with salads and home cooked meals - This is one of the reasons that I freely offer recipes on my website - I want to encourage people, and show them that being vegan isnxt weird or intimidating, and that it is a delicious way to eat and does not include deprivation in any way

Abolitionist: Vegan stables such as grains and vegetables are the most nourishing and least expensive foods available yet they are rarely on the menu in school canteens, soup kitchens, political rallies or political picnics - Have you ever given any thought to why this is so? ..

Beverley: Large corporations and money are mostly to blame - The meat and dairy industries are huge and wield a lot power and influence, and at the expense of the public’s health and good nutrition - I just finished reading ‘The China Study’ by T Colin Campbell and Thomas Campbell, it is truly an amazing and informative book, and I had my eyes opened wider to many such disturbing facts and underhanded goings on, and I highly recommend it for everyone’s reading - It is very sad and infuriating at the same time when one begins to learn about what is going on in the animal-agricultural businesses and the control they have on so many levels of our lives - As you alluded to, if one really analyzes the food costs of fruits, veggies, and grains, especially if purchased in bulk or loose instead of as pre-packaged items, they are actually cheaper (and healthier) by the pound than most meats, dairy, and animal-based products - Even if they weren’t cheaper, it would be worth paying a little more now for healthy food options rather than paying for bad food choices later in the form of increased medical costs for surgeries, treatments, and medications

Abolitionist: Can you provide us with your special 10 key pointers on becoming a successful vegan advocate please..

Beverly’s 10 Pointers on Successful Veganism..

1) Have no fear, and freely embrace the vegan lifestyle in all ways, because humans are really meant to be vegan

2) Know that the animals appreciate your efforts even if those around you seem to oppose them..

3) Be a positive example, eat right, and try to live right according to your convictions..

4) Don’t be afraid of conflicts, and stand strong behind your beliefs..

5) Read as much as you can and educate yourself on animal issues and proper health and nutrition, as it comes in handy during debates and conflicts..

6) Try to share information with others as tactfully as possible - When asked why you’re vegan or what you eat, share reasons that fit the situation, don’t just try to shock them - They may feel helpless in changing, so it is better to be encouraging than blaming

7) Share your meals and foods with others - It opens up eyes as well as debate, and a slice of delicious vegan chocolate cake can be a great way to sway minds and opinions

8) Join veg groups or animal groups, and become involved in causes that you believe in - You will feel better and empowered by the experience, and it is a great way to meet like-minded people

9) Become a volunteer at an animal shelter or farm sanctuary - Organizations like these are always in need of extra help, and you can give much needed and deserved love to animals that have been abused or abandoned - You can also provide financial support in terms of donations if you don’t have the extra time, or better yet become their companion by opening up your home and heart by rescuing an animal from a shelter

10) Put your compassion into action by writing letters to companies and government officials and expressing your concern about animal issues and abuses, or participate in tabling events to share literature and information with others - If you are truly motivated, join in protest events with other like-minded people to further voice your concerns

Abolitionist: How do you foresee the vegan movement really taking off ?

Beverley: I think the vegan movement is really gaining support and momentum and will continue to do so - The tide is turning and it is about time - More veg restaurants and business are opening up every day - Consuming animal-based foods is declining and will continue to do so as increasing numbers of people educate themselves about the many issues that intersect and underlie veganism - Rising numbers of sufferers of chronic diseases and health concerns will also increase the numbers of people who are eating vegan, as more people search out more means of preventive medicine and ways to take control of and improve their health themselves

Abolitionist: How do you advise young vegans to cope with all changes occurring including tension from Mum and Dad, in their transition to veganism? It’s a testy subject but it’s one we need to approach and that is food disorders - Many people who suffer from anorexia nervosa have been living on a lettuce leaf for years before they die a horrible death - It’s not fair to blame it on vegan foods but some people have huge misgivings about vegan food - Can you tell your views and any other food disorders that veganism often gets bad publicity for please? ..

Beverly: Actually, I am currently working on a cookbook geared toward young vegans, and I am passionate about sharing with young people the benefits of eating a vegan diet for health, especially combating obesity, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses - I believe that everyone, young and old alike, needs better information on how to eat properly and what actually constitutes a well balanced diet - It’s sadly ironic that those that have the most misgivings about the certifiably healthiest way for our species to eat (i e vegan) seem to ignore the obvious flaws in the high-fat, low-fiber diets that are killing us by the millions every year - Most people don’t eat enough fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and they are really all that is necessary to be well fed and to meet our nutritional needs

That, in my opinion, is the biggest food disorder that faces our species - It is really sad that the only sources of fruits some people consume are artificially sweetened and colored fruit juices, and the only veggies are potato chips and fries - I advise people to consume plant foods in a rainbow of colors and textures to really fulfill all of their nutritional needs, and to seek out good sources of carbohydrates like whole grains and veggies, which are better sources of low-fat, less-acidic protein, higher in fiber (which helps to control appetite and cut calories w
ithout trying to starve oneself), and to not consume highly processed and refined pre-packaged foods made with white flours and sugars, and which are high in sodium and fat

http://www. abolitionist-online. com/_06bennett. html

Also a great cook book and by BY COLLEEN PATRICK-GOUDREAU

Joy of Vegan Baking

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vegan, mama, lover of music and kindness, lover of sunsets, trees, the ocean, nature in all its splendor, animals, lightbearer, empath